Tangoe ServiceNow API

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Help and References

Base URL

Please ask your Tangoe Service Delivery Manager/Tangoe ServiceNow co-ordinator to confirm which instance you need to use to test your integrations. Please be cautious when using the Tangoe production base URL. Your integrations should be fully tested with other low level instances before you start using your production account. For the URL’s ( prod , QA, UAT ) please work with Tangoe support team.

Sysparm query

Encoded query used to filter the result set.
For example: (sysparm_query=active=true)
The encoded query supports order by. To sort responses based on certain fields, use the ORDERBY and ORDERBYDESC clauses in sysparm_query. For example, sysparm_query=active=true^ORDERBYnumber^ORDERBYDESCcategory filters all active records and orders the results in ascending order by number first, and then in descending order by category.

If part of the query is invalid, such as by specifying an invalid field name, the instance ignores the invalid part. It then returns rows using only the valid portion of the query.
More references can be found on the Service Now portal.

System Availability

  • General availability is 24/7
  • System will not be available during announced maintenance windows
